FAQ: Does the Chesapeake Bay freeze in winter? 

Some regions of the Bay, sometimes, yes. Generally, the shallower areas, close to shore and the inland rivers – with small tidal flows: like our Marina on Glebe Creek Cove! This year, 2025, our inlet froze around January 6th with the first major snowfall of the year. Beautiful, right?!

Therapy in frozen Glebe Creek Cove

There have, however, been times in the past when large areas of the Chesapeake Bay have frozen over, as shown in these pictures. Our more senior neighbors even talk about being able to walk from their homes in Edgewater, down the South River and all the way out to the Thomas Point Lighthouse. Sounds fun! 

Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Deep Freeze!

Ice formation is unpredictable and generally follows snowfalls, or the arrival of a polar vortex or ‘Alberta Clipper’. When these are forecast, we put out the de-icer to protect our dock and Therapy’s hull. Sometimes ducks take advantage of the open water by the marina too. Their cold-weather survival capabilities are inspiring, but by about mid-February, we feel spring can’t come soon enough…

Deicer in action around dock
Deicer in Action!
Water cleared of ice by deicer around sailboat Therapy and dock
Water cleared of ice by deicer around sailboat Therapy and dock

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